My entire body is made of meat!

I enjoy:


Open Source



The letter B


Former Crypto idiot (I know it’s a scam, and understand why!)

Former pothead (I have a genetic disorder!)

Videogames and such. Team Fortress 2 Scout/Engy/Demo/Pyro. Catch me on 24/7 2ort! ~T0kin.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Dark theme on most Linux distros looks clean with breeze or… whatever dark theme gnome users use. Quite nice, really. I’m cool with the angular look.

If I don’t want to be located, I know how not to be.

But if I’m in my home, expected to be in my home, belong in my home and I’m doing home stuff, I’m not entirely that caring about who knows I am. I also don’t think it’s that big a deal if the government knows I’m in a bookstore, or work.

But yeah, if I was hiding a body, I’d probably take my shitbox Acura that’s disconnected from everything but the ground, and I’d leave my phone at home, tied to my cat with string so it looks like I’m cleaning.

I would use zfs but I don’t believe there’s much benefit over btrfs for a single drive. If there is, lemme know.

Also, ram requirements, only reason it’s not in use on my nas. More ram for activities. I backup with rsync.

Tell me of this dark magic, wizard.

Snapper. On it.

Yeah, Linux breaks sometimes, we’re here for you.
Four days ago, I woke up, as I usually expect to after going to sleep and I turned on my really fucking awesome Archlinux gaming rig, hit the desktop and decide, hmmmm... I haven't updated in a while(a week), let's pacman -Syyuu and get up to speed. Well, I got up to speed and my favorite game, the best game of all time, Team Fortress 2 ##FAILED TO LOAD! 🚒 🔥 In the imminent crisis-state that I had found myself in, I did what any *filthy scout-main* Archlinux user would do, I googled the problem and put the word arch in quotation marks. The first five results yielded ancient bullshit useful to someone five years ago, probably. The next ten, redditors complaining about old tat. Then I did what any old wine veteran would do. I shut steam down and started it in the terminal so I could monitor its raging *removed*-fit in real time. Team Fortress 2 failed to load because of Arch had updated it to a future version not yet even coded, and steam wasn't having it. The answer was [on protondb all along!]( So, some fella says ``` The native version of tcmalloc introduced a bug on TF2 that it randomly crashes the game. You need to install lib32-gperftools (name of the Arch AUR package, other distros should have similar names) and add LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/ %command% to your launch options to override the library. ``` *et voila*, I'm torturing 25/7 2fort. Now, I know what you're thinking, who in their right mind would suggest Archlinux for a beginner? See, that's where I already caught you because this bug trickles all the way down to Garuda and Manjaro users too since they have the same libraries (and that fancy SteamOS that's floating around). So while I love Linux and software freedom, I find suffering Linux on someone might be more suited to a person that actually wants it, and not to work through it to get to what they actually wanted to do. I wanted to play Team Fortress 2, and I was rather irate about the last thing on my steam account that shouldn't work, not working all over me. This system has been a saint for six months, but when it's a devil, boy, is it. Anyway, KDE is better than gnome! Thanks for reading!

Not really. What if it’s your VPN? Mine allows me access to my home network, which is its primary focus, but it also obfuscates what my phone is doing online, and blocks trackers.

(Adguard home and wireguard)

It also lets me use my phone on 4chan… so there’s that.

So long as the majority doesn’t know any better, it’s profitable.

looks at my Pixel 6

Well, now I feel dumb.

It doesn’t say Photoshop on the window border.

Guess I’ll get a Linux-based phone(please don’t make me argue about semantics on Android being Linux or not when we both know what I mean). By the time it matters, they’ll be decent enough. I don’t really live with the same sort of technological necessity as most people.

Look elsewhere, got it.

I’m glad we have that ability on Android.

Go point all mine out for everyone if it’s so easy.

As a fault, that isn’t much of one. That transparency makes sure every single coin in a blockchain is where it’s supposed to be and accounted for.

You have no idea who random string of hashed numbers is unless they (for some reason) make it public, usually… influencers.

If you find yourself asking this question a lot, you might want to question why you’re on iOS.

Never trust a web browser sold to you with crypto incentives.

Firefox is foss, transparent and it has more than enough add-ons to make brave pointless.

but RAM and page loading speed

Oh no!

(no one cares)