Title is pretty obvious with more than two seconds of thought, but I figured that it would be important to bring to everyone’s attention that Pokémon has confirmed (via this Youtube video) that Sleep does the following:

  • Records audio of you (and your partner) sleeping
  • Requires device sensor permissions to detect how your phone is laying
  • Runs in the background as you sleep

You’ve seen this time and time again, I know. But most people don’t consider this, especially since Pokémon is considered to be childrens’ media. I haven’t seen any major news outlet cover the privacy implications of this game–please spread the word with people you know. This can’t keep happening.

If this was some other app this would raise bigger flags. These permissions seem fine for a sleep app. We have to see the terms and conditions of how they handle the data, then we can raise our pitchforks.


Google Play already lists that they use third parties for data anf analytics. I cannot trust them.

I really hope they don’t have a similar privacy policy to Niantic because it’s horrible. Not only do they collect pretty much everything possible and then share it with third parties. They don’t even define all the information they collect, only data they deem identifiable.

This Privacy Policy covers our use of any information that can or could be used to identify you (“Personal Data”). It does not cover information which cannot be used to identify you (“Anonymous Data”).

Is this common for a privacy policy? I’ve never seen it before.

Would this not be reasonably obvious? How else is it going to track your sleep without this data/permissions?


I know it’s obvious, the point is that it’s spyware for kids. Most “normies” do not consider this.


What’s the point of this game, beyond letting them harvest user data to sell to data brokers? It doesn’t seem like this really integrates with Pokemon Go or the Switch games as far as syncing Pokemons between them, and anyone that actually cares about sleep tracking would be using their phone’s built-in health app or they’d have some top-rated sleep tracker from the app stores.

If it let you move Switch Pokemon over to be a day-care type thing while you sleep I could kinda see it having some use, but otherwise this just seems like shovelware with a Pokemon theme.


Pokémon fans would eat anything their company feeds them.

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