
I prefer privacy. I do not like Reddit, but I like forums. Giving Lemmy a shot.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I know it’s obvious, the point is that it’s spyware for kids. Most “normies” do not consider this.

Google Play already lists that they use third parties for data anf analytics. I cannot trust them.

Pokémon fans would eat anything their company feeds them.

This. Used to use OpenLauncher with an icon pack but I decided to downsize.

Caution: Pokémon Sleep records your children
Title is pretty obvious with more than two seconds of thought, but I figured that it would be important to bring to everyone's attention that Pokémon has confirmed (via [this Youtube video]( that Sleep does the following: * Records audio of you (and your partner) sleeping * Requires device sensor permissions to detect how your phone is laying * Runs in the background as you sleep You've seen this time and time again, I know. But most people don't consider this, especially since Pokémon is considered to be childrens' media. I haven't seen any major news outlet cover the privacy implications of this game--please spread the word with people you know. This can't keep happening.

Camera app shutter can be muted with the volume slider, just tried it on the latest version so I assume it would have been patched out. I am open to swapping away from a lunatic’s OS if you have any other ROMs that can relock the bootloader and come with a user profile manager that easily allows me to install apps from my main profile to the others. Frankly I’ve never heard of DOS before, and I will immediately give it a shot on my work phone. Thanks :)

I am willing to change Android distros if you can point me to an actively developed one centered around security that can compete with GOS.

Yeah this is true, but I will persist to make the 20%, 5% or 0.1% of aware people move platforms if it means there’s less of this shit.

Deranged and spiteful? Yeah I’d trust that. Spite and grit are the only ways that a huge project like GOS can be maintained so well. If you want me to swap make your own secure Android distro.

I wouldn’t say unnecessary, it just depends on a case by case basis. Anyways, for the third one, is good if you don’t mind KYC.

I use TrackerControl (TC) on my Lineage devices for this. Will look into AF Wall, thanks!

That last part is where Graphene shines IMO, as every time you install an app you have the choice of natively allowing network permissions that you can change at any time. I agree with you on Lineage being great for an extra layer of privacy especially for the average person.

How did you go about this? I want to do the same.

mimimimimi I don’t care, it’s secure, I like the features. Separate the creation from the creator.

eBay guest account on burner card on burner PO Box address. Order $200 Pixel 6a (best camera of 2022). You’re welcome.

They’ve been doing this for years. It sucks.

Waiting for Circles ( to be out of beta currently. Has photo storage and sharing capabilities, so it’s great for family and close friends.

“bro just don’t drive a car haha” Sometimes people need to travel 1,000 miles.

Saved and shared. I regret telling people to switch to Duck two years ago.

Personally would go with a Fairphone 4 running some AOSP-based ROM and route everything through Tor. It would really be a shame if Google locked down their phones like that.

Pixel 3 series has almost 100% Ubuntu Touch support from what I’ve heard.