Addon Unavailable on Google Chrome · Issue #102 · ClearURLs/Addon
Has the addon been removed from the webstore? The URL listed here is responding with a 404 error. It's not coming up in search either.

Once again daddy Google being an absolute asshole against projects that can damage their tracking practices.

Meanwhile you can download the extension from their GitHub or use Tracking Token Stripper if you need to use Chromium-based browsers, or. you know… just use Firefox.

I’ll stick to using Firefox still


Mozilla doesn’t do a lot to garner praise these days, but times like this just make me appreciate them for the simple things.




Whoa that’s messed up, I have this installed on FF. I wonder why they would go after this and not ublock origin first, if the goal is to ban these type plugins.

Slow and steady is a better practice than going for the big ones outright.

People are not predictable and they need to be sure this wont affect their business by creating a trend. On second thought it is a bit surprising that no tiktok trend has exploded where they instruct people to block ads with uBlock.

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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