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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


It depends on the server. Most servers set it to require an email verified account because of all the bots and spammers, I haven’t joined any that required a phone number but might if they support a product and want to link your discord to their orders or something

Do you guys not have sms messaging, if someone I know doesn’t have signal we just text them the old fashioned way

I got my brother to switch from what’s app to signal finally then we got our friends who are brothers to join us, then my brothers older friends who are in the same circle joined in, then our parents recently as well. Now I’m working on getting my wife’s family to let go of what’s app. My wife’s brother married a Brazilian ladies so he got them all on the what’s app

Someone just told me about ventoy and how it’s great for dual booting but I haven’t looked it up to see if it’s a usb only thing or what.

Also PopOS is pretty cool for a OS to try, it’s what I’m about to setup on my dual boot machine since its been recommended for gaming

I thought reddit require an email to create an account

Yeah I always mention it when people send a link with all the extra stuff, how you can usually delete everything past the question mark