What would even be the need for this extension? Safari automatically switches sites from HTTP to HTTPS if available.

This extension is kind of a fossil at this point as almost every browser does this on its own. Not to mention its not 2004, you shouldnt be running into a lot of http sites anyway.

At risk of being offtopic, but why would you use this over LibreWolf or hardened Firefox? I personally wouldn’t pay for a proprietary plugin that is replaceable by open source software that performs the same functions.


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Even in the EU, everything is still WebKit and will remain WebKit for the time being, until Apple changes their policy to make this change worldwide. I doubt any developers would put in the time to maintain two browsers like that.


I think all modern browsers already switch to https only but if you want more browser options there is stuff like Firefox Focus and Brave browser on ios. You can put adblockers in firefox focus I think and brave has one built in if you’re into that. But yeah, sucks they all have to run webkit.

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