I have some concerns about this app and I’m asking if it’s useful or not, not the app itself but more the 3 protocols included in it. I2P, DNSCrypt and TOR. What is you opinion?

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OK thx

I used it previously, not I2P though. Then I switched to RethinkDNS which I like better since it allows more control over what apps can do. It integrates with Orbot, so I can still use TOR.


I have used it to bypass geo-location (via tor exitnodes) for years when listening to pandora radio. Have never been worried, but have never heard anything bad either. I got it from fdroid…

I use it all the time with tor for fdroid.


But why is this a good thing? For Tor I canunderstand… But the other one

I don’t use the DNS Crypt since Android has private DNS and I have already set it up but I have also used it for the I2P network

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