Chase Media Solutions will allow advertisers to market to Chase bank customers based on first-party financial data

If you’re considering opening a Chase account, here’s some food for thought.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Why is such a large chunk of all general and tech news stories nowadays about more ads being introduced somewhere or personal privacy being eroded so that existing ads can target petter better? QUIT IT WITH THE FUCKING ADS, YOU DICKS.

Use. Monero.


Switch to a credit union.

Not if I block all the ads, they can’t!


Its increasingly difficult to block 100% of possible ads, but good luck

I mean I was kind of joking. Of course this news is as awful as it is unsurprising. But I really feel like there aren’t many spaces where I would targeted ads from this. I torrent all the media I consume. I have a system wide adblocker on my phone, and ublock in all my browsers. I don’t use any commercial social media.

Well, now I’m going to close mine.

Any way to opt out?

I dumped Chase over a decade ago for a local credit union. It was a great decision. Jamie Dimon can burn in hell.

Chase has actively fought against my interest as a customer, I’ve been much happier since leaving. Consider how many policies they haven’t told you about.

Close your account and move elsewhere?

How else will these asshats learn?


Move account to another unethical, profit driven bank or?

Y’all still believe in the illusion of choice / opt-out in capitalism.

The bank is hoping to combine insights from its large customer base and 6 million small business customers as part of its efforts to build out its own two-sided commerce platform and bring in benefits to both business clients and banking customers.

And don’t shop at any of the 6 million small businesses that utilize Chase?


Or any of the nearly-unavoidable-because-it’s-a-monopoly evil big corpos like Amazon. Chase handles their credit card and definitely significant other financial parts for them.

Only thing I know is that you could enable the “limit sharing of data” but that’s about it

This is nothing new, other than that Chase has brought this capability in-house. Credit card companies have shared purchase information with second parties forever.

Chase Media Solutions follows from the integration of card-linked marketing platform Figg, which JPMorgan Chase & Co. acquired in 2022

Thank you. I was having a hard time imagining that this hasn’t been a thing for decades.


Not cool

It isn’t any worse that other financial surveillance

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