West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Dec 27, 2021


It uses the arkenfox thingie. It doesn’t block JS, but it does block a lot of things and possibly certain JS features.

Doesn’t work on Mull browser (hardened Firefox for android) :(

I’m aware of tails, but I am not confident it qualifies. With Tails, I still connect through my own Internet connection, presumably. I know using tor obfuscates this, but is it to the degree of, say, Monero?

Moreover, I am still at the mercy of the platform I use. Most of them require email or phone verification, and creating an account with lots of data sent over from the clients.

Tails is a necessary component, but the platform is also important.

Does this exist: Truly anonymous content sharing platform or social network?
Given the extistence of technologies like Monero and SimpleX chat, I wonder if it is possible for a truly anonymous content sharing platform to exist? And does it? Use cases: - sharing pirated content without a link back to you - journalists or political activists not wanting to be found or caught by a government The platform should not allow the following to know the details of what you do on this platform: - users on the platform: should not know the identity of a poster unless they disclose it - the host of the platform: should not know which content belongs to who, or be able to deduce it via traffic logs - Intermediates like the ISP, DNS, or your router should not be able to link any content to you. However it is okay if they know that you use the platform at all, just not what you do with it. Does something like this exist?

Move account to another unethical, profit driven bank or?

Y’all still believe in the illusion of choice / opt-out in capitalism.

Its increasingly difficult to block 100% of possible ads, but good luck

Are there matrix clients that do this? Only fetch messages from server when needed and not store locally?

It is not privacy minded unfortunately. No major smartphone brand has privacy.

It works even if steam is installed through my system package manager rather than flatpak, which I find even more puzzling.

I suppose steam is installing something alongside it that bottles is using. Can’t figure out what it is.

I don’t think this should have to do with it, as I run the game outside of steam in bottles. I am running a GOG copy.

I checked the logs by running bottles from terminal (is that what you meant?)

I didn’t see anything out or the ordinary.

I mentioned gentoo but I think it shouldn’t matter as I installed bottles using flatpak, so I assume it should have everything it needs. But gentoo does install a very minimal base OS.

Non-steam game on Bottles crashes when I uninstalled steam?
Hi all, I have a really weird issue. I've been playing "Horizon Zero Dawn" on Bottles with wine-GE. It was working fine. At one point, it stopped working and started crashing after initial loading screen, without any detail in the pop up message. I tried to reset everything but the problem kept occurring. I reinstalled steam and then the game immediately starts working again, even though it uses Bottles, not steam. Then I remembered that I uninstalled steam shortly before the game stopped working. Why would this be happening? Anyway to make it work without having steam installed? I use gentoo Linux with bspwm. I also have Hyprland installed but don't use it for gaming. I have an nvidia 3060 Ti and the nvidia drivers installed. I have bottles installed through flatpak.

People in Reddit and sometimes here always praise the EU as some bastion of privacy, and I always got downvoted when I said that this isn’t always true. And now here we are. I hope people don’t forget this after a month, like they always do.

The code is not open source, so it’s hard to verify how good the encryption is or if it has backdoors.

I’m not an expert in cryptography, but from my limited knowledge, the cryptographic keys used are very important. If Meta or the government can somehow know the decryption key to your messages or predict it, then they can see your messages.

But they most likely don’t need to decrypt it in transit. One of the vulnerabilities in this system is Google firebase, which delivers notifications to your phone when WhatsApp messages arrive. Ever noticed how those notifications include the message content and the sender? Google has access to this information, despite the encryption.

That’s just an example. Google has access to a lot on your phone.

Another thing to consider is message metadata. The content of your message is encrypted, but what about information like the destination of your message, its recipients, time sent and received, and frequency? I’d even argue this is more important than content in many situations. Sometimes, linking person A to person B tells me a lot about person A.

Then you’d be wrong, because voting is futile and a distraction, as I already said. Refer to the rest my comment for direct action methods that aren’t futile:

unionizing, striking, protesting, blocking traffic to our stores, boycotting

Quite the opposite, actually. Corporations love for you to be distracted with the methods that are futile. Don’t you ever think about unionizing, striking, protesting, blocking traffic to our stores, boycotting, or any of that. Just do the things that don’t hurt our profits!

Unions, sure.

Voting and calling representatives is a futile approach. They’re a distraction at best. Unions are an example of what I mean by uniting our efforts and taking action.

I gave up on voting when I realized the last however many times I did it changed nothing. I want a real solution, not a distraction.

We are not empowered with the free choice of privacy like many people think we are
There is this common narrative I see all the time, implying that we as individuals are empowered to choose and manifest our own destiny, and this comes up often in privacy discussions. Don't like Facebook's privacy nightmares? Just don't use Facebook! Don't like personalized ads? I remember a popular post on reddit saying "if your ad interrupts my YouTube video, I will hate your product". Don't like Google chrome hegemony? Just use Firefox! And while I agree that we should strive to do that, the battle doesn't end here. Facebook has shadow accounts for people who never signed up. Google chrome keeps it's hegemony despite people on the Internet advocating Firefox day and night. And ads continue to be extremely profitable despite you "hating the product" because it interrupted your YouTube video. Even worse: even if you "hate the product", you now already know it. You now know they product exists, and possibly whatever they wanted you to know about it. The reality is that these companies own your eyes. They control what shows up on your screen. And even if you hate it, they control what you end up learning. ### the reality is that our individual resistance is very far from enough I am not saying it is completely futile. It is a step in the right direction. But the only effective solution is organized action. We, alone, cannot achieve much. Unless we organize our resistance against privacy violations, we will continue to live through this privacy nightmare.

I wired it in to eliminate Bluetooth issues. Resident evil on steam works. Arch wiki has a lot of stuff but I couldn’t find anything about this.

How to use Sony DS4 Controller with GOG games on Bottles?
Hi all, I've managed to get the GOG of horizon zero dawn starting up. But my DualShock 4 controller is not recognized by the game. Now the controller works as a mouse (with the pad), so I know it's at least connected. What can I do to fix this? I am running it through bottles flatpak. I am using gentoo Linux if that matters.

what if I regret installing the thing and want to remove it? is it easy or would I be having to track files down?

My issue with lutris is that when I used it before and something didn’t work, or used to work but broke, I was completely at a loss, because I did not understand what all it is doing exactly. It just felt that what lutris is doing is a bit too obfuscated or unclear to me.

Is bottles any better on that front?

besides wine, what do you need to run non-steam games?
From my understanding, at least one other necessary component is dxvk, and that wine is not enough. If I dont use lutris or some other manager, how can I game on linux? do I have to configure dxvk? do I need soemthing else too? vulkan? Is there a guide that explains it?

Storage-wise they’re there, but they never run or take up memory? Is this correct?

a long history of human rights abuses, persecution of minorities and espionage

Hmm, I wonder which countries this applies to… It’s crazy how you missed the irony of this

And your data will become a weapon in the event of a world war 3.

Dude… You’re living in some video game fantasy world. Your activity browsing social media and watching over-confident youtubers will not give China an edge in world war 3. I guarantee you.

On Calyx, most android apps require Google services. How do you address this? Calyx’s solution for this is providing microG, a stripped down Google services. Still, they’re Google services…

“the enemy you know” to be in the same geography as you and be capable to use the data against you, yes.

With the other enemy, you know your data in their hands is a much less of a threat to you. They’re so far away and do not have authority on your country.

And btw, Google is never gone for good. Not even with Calyx

Doesn’t Google record this info already?

Yeah get a phone that’s monitored by entities in your own country and can actually use it against you instead of the ones halfway across the planet. That’s the intelligent move.

apple has increasing ad revenue, but they don’t sell it? Makes total sense if you’re a moron. thankfully I’m not.

I asked you to check the web to double check me, you still chose to embarrass yourself.

Here’s proof that Samsung supports devices for 5 years. Do you want me to spoon feed you the rest?

Proof that they’re an exception to every other competitor?

Again, android is cheap and worse

I just explained to you why that is false. Please do not restate your debunked statement prepended with “Again,” itdoes not make it any less wrong.

As for updates, phones from Google, oneplus, Samsung all get 5 years of official updates. Even oppo will give 4 years. You can double check me by searching the web on this.

I have had my onePlus 8T since 2020, and got it “for free” from T-Mobile without any issue. I used to work at AT&T, and I’ve had so many customers with iPhones who would come when the bed iPhone came out, saying their previous gen iPhone is suddenly incredibly slow after the latest iOS update. Some of them, especially if they were 2 or more gens behind, the iPhone would just be black screen with no sign of life.

From my observation, android isn’t only cheaper, but it has greater longevity too. If the company stops supporting the device, custom ROMs continue.

iOS is fully proprietary, so while some might argue that it is more private, it is almost impossible to know. What we do know is that it isn’t private, and apple has a track record against privacy.

I think comparing the two platforms from a privacy perspective is pointless. You’re not going to be private either way. Might as well focus on other factors.

I thought apple’s business model was to not sell your data but charge more upfront.

Charging more? Absolutely. Not sell your data? No, they will sell.

Charging more is only because people are willing to pay it. So why not? Most people don’t even care about their data being sold, and will not stop buying apple products for it.

It’s that simple!

This kind of optimistic attitude ignores the reality that such actions are only effective when organized in mass. If I stop using zoom, it’s pointless. It’s only effective in the context of organizing with others.

The rich might want us to think that we are empowered to inflict change by merely making personal choices (which in reality are completely futile). In reality, our power shows when we’re united.

The only reason I have is the weak security model of X, and maybe early-adopters syndrome

State of Wayland gaming with Nvidia RTX? Is it good, or stick with Xorg?
Is wayland ready for gaming with nivida RTX series? I have RTX 3060 Ti. I wouldn't mind messing with it to make it work if I have to. Would want to use a window manager like sway or river.

I have 3060 Ti and have had no trouble. I even used it with Arch and Gentoo, and all I needed was installing the drivers (the package manager did it) and it worked out of the box.

I hope this helps Linux Gaming somehow. If developers will have to check an extra box for MacOS support, as pressured to do so by Apple, then I hope they will at least also check the Linux box while they’re at it.

I love how they say “if Google was really malicious, …” as if this isn’t a basically established fact lmao