Attack of the week: Airdrop tracing
It’s been a while since I wrote an “attack of the week” post, and the fault for this is entirely mine. I’ve been much too busy writing boring posts about Schnorr signatures!…

The news was already posted here last week, but I found this great technical explanation of the flaw. Long story short: Apple is using bad cryptography. They got alerted by researchers back in 2019 but didn’t fix it.


An excellent read. Thanks OP 👍


They sat on this since at least 2016

Like they sat on (and still haven’t resolved) the iMessage issues they’ve known about for years.

Its Apple.

The company well known for appealing to those who do not want to learn anything technical, and love to watch overproduced advertisements and then use their brand loyalty as a means to socially brag, and shame others.

I’ll get downvoted, but this sounds exactly like proton

There is another reason: It’s the least bad option for some people.

The business model of Google dictates, that you are the product if you use vanilla Android or whatever it is Samsung slaps on top of it. If you go with a custom image, such as LineageOS, you do get more freedom, but there are also compromises. If you choose to not install GAPPS, you get plenty of privacy too, but the compromises are getting pretty severe at that point. Realistically, using a phone like that isn’t for everyone.

If it was still 2010, and the world around me didn’t require certain applications, I would probably be going full on FOSS with my phone. Sadly, we don’t live in that world any more.

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