I’ve noticed that there are a few fake websites hosting modified versions of libretube. These modifications are likely malware and are dangerous.

Please make sure that you only get your apps from trusted sources. I would recommended a F-droid but I’m sure there are other options.

I always download my open source apps directly from the source whether its github or gitlab or codeberg or etc. I wouldn’t trust anywhere else besides F droid like you mentioned or Play Store if you are running stock Android.

I use only fdroid and obtainium

But there’s a thing that fdroid is not actually secure

So if you’re really into security, you should use goolag play


I wouldn’t even trust the Google Play Store, its notorious for having problems with malware, and full of fake apps impersonating trustworthy ones. This has happened to apps like NewPipe several times.

Overall, only source I’d trust for apps is F-Droid, and maybe GitHub/GitLab/Codeberg, depending on how much I trust the developer and the app.

To add to that, Obtainium is a great app for doing just that. Makes it even easier and more streamlined than an RSS-Feed, which would be the next best option to get updates

Why not neo store ? Nice UI, you can add your own repos and more.

I use Neo Store only for the few apps that for some reason don’t distribute directly on GitHub etc, otherwise I get everything straight from the source

That is what I use

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