Verificación de edad sin nombres ni apellidos: así se impedirá que los menores vean porno
La Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre trabaja en un certificado especial | Cadena SER

Age verification without name and surname: this is the way to avoid minors to watch porn.

But that refers to personal data, and I suppose the state will be able to identify you and your habits if it gets the logs from the websites.
I wonder if the websites will get a unique identifier, that would allow them to track you so accurately it would make google horny.

Have you even read the linked Wikipedia or the Website? No. When implemented correctly the math shows that it is not possible.

I read the article and did not see where the method is specified, have you even read it?

When implemented correctly

Aha. How bold to assume that they will limit themselves and apply privacy best practices.

… All i ever said is that it is possible. And i am referring to the article posted behind the link i posted.

Any implementation can be flawed even if well intentioned. There are implementations of this, for example the German ID Personalausweis has this method implemented.

Okay, now I see which article you are referring to.
I know knowledge-zero, but we have different points, mine was not about the inability to do it but how the government will do it.

It would be very easy for them to justify that they have to identify pedos, I would be very surprised if they would guarantee privacy. But whatever, unfortunately I guess we’ll find out.

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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