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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Yes, but when the list is long enough and you have enough words, it is to difficult to guess.

Think about it. The list of all possible characters is also known, still with enough length and randomness it becomes too difficult to guess too.

That is true. But then you could probably use the chunk length to determine where the ads starts and ends since there is with a very high probability an unusually long chunk at those times.

  • Hosting all videos doble, one with ads and the same vids without for premium user

Not quite sure why, they simply could in the fly stitch those files together.

Twitch is doing that for a while now i think.

Probably a “have a look at this” and the 2 seconds before you realize that you are currently unlocking your phone, would be enough.

But you can be easily tricked. Even easier than with the fingerprint.

“Hey, can you look at those pictures?”, shows some printed out pictures with the phone hiding behind and then quickly just dropping the pictures.

Depends on the country you life in. And even in the USA it is to my knowledge not correct. They can try to crack it themself but you have not to comply.

No this is also not correct. Paying for an ad free experience still seems to be valid.

What was ruled here is, that it is not considered a free choice to choose between paying money or paying with your data to access the service.

According to the EU law the user consents to harvest the digital data must be freely given.

Do people really expect to be able to use an entertainment platform for free?

No. If facebook wants, it can make the subscription mandatory, so only ppl who pay may access their service.

I agree with you here. It is similar to “my phone is listening to what i am talking about and it shows me topic related ads” which has been basically disproven many times over the years.

Not 100% correct. It was blocked because the court requested information from Telegram about copyright hosted content and got ignored by Telegram.

Seems absolutely valid to block a service when it tries to evade national jurisdiction.

DDG is just a bing front-end.

That is wrong. Yes there are licensing the bing search database but it is not the only one they use. They have their own crawler too.


Imagine, all the money they are throwing to microsoft put towards a few teams that develops actively on open source projects to support independent and open source infrastructure.

just two pieces of data: the date the target Signal account was created, and the date that it last connected to the service.

And how does Usernames help here? Should be the same 2 data Points and not more?

Most of them stopped already, that is what chat control (and state trojans) is about, getting the data before it gets encrypted.

Github did a lot of work into making it incompatible with just git. Moving issues, wiki, projects etc. etc. Makes it not just a simple switch to another hoster.

It always starts small. The next step is, every time you commit code you get that then every time you commit code you have to disagree not using copilot.

It has to be stopped when it is small.

Heard that you can create google accounts without phone numbers with an old android 5 phone. But have not verified it

Read through the link i provided. The major point i take issue with, is their package repository. They basically delay every package for a few days to call them ‘stable’. This behavior makes it by definition incompatible with the AUR. One of the major reasons so many Manjaro systems break. The other reason is their awful package manager.

I ran my manjaro install for over 3 years but never touched pamac and instead used pacman and paru. I was simply too lazy to set up another distro at the time.

The great thing about manjaro is, that when it finally bricks itself you can install a proper distro on it. https://github.com/arindas/manjarno

Since the alternatives are sparse and Companies are basically forced into Teams, this offers at least a private and self hosted solution for filesharing within Teams.

Not everything is black and white.

For me it is not about ‘issues’. It is just so much simpler and convenient. I also never had problems with nvidia, but then i used a AMD gpu. Oh my. What an experience. Everything including hardware acceleration in the browser etc. just worked on my barebone Arch install.

In germany for example is it not possible to perform an emergency call without a sim card. But this is thanks to a law and not the technical side.

The thing is it still impacts the other Wifi Channels and Networks (or at least those on the same band, guessing mist IoT uses 2.4GHz) even tho other Channels are used.

But, i see the appeal, since most smart home devices you can get cheap are Wifi connected. Hope that changes with the ESP32-H2 and -C6. Those are relatively recently released.

Wifi is just such a heavy proticol for just sending sensor data and some commands around, imho.

Thats why my Smart Home is build on Zigbee. (Yeah VLANs and so on, but so many clients still makes your wifi worse)

… All i ever said is that it is possible. And i am referring to the article posted behind the link i posted.

Any implementation can be flawed even if well intentioned. There are implementations of this, for example the German ID Personalausweis has this method implemented.

Have you even read the linked Wikipedia or the Website? No. When implemented correctly the math shows that it is not possible.

The whole age verification can be done privately, secure and without the possibility to get tracked. But imho still not really a good thing to do. Parenting should still be a thing.

Same discussion can be found here https://lemmy.ml/comment/6775132

Money is not the right reason. Megas history only shows that they were interested in money, everything else was just a publicity stunt. Mega even got sold a few years back.

So? Another shitty VPN product from a shady company?

Not aware that there is a modern decentralized secure and private chat protocol. Sadly. I also am not aware of any developmenta of something like that, so XMPP is the best we got (for decentralized open widly supported protocols)

I know that a lot of clients do encryption of the message body by default, but it still leaves a lot of stuff in plain text (afaik).

You mean that XMPP protocol which is not encrypted by default? Oh yes you mean that.

XMPP would need to be redesigned from ground up as a secure and private messaging protocol to be a valid choice.

XMPP has it advantages but to many cry out that it is the savior when it is not. We need something better.

Payphones have existed for decades. They would still exist if not for cell phones.

The thing is, even if you would not need to link your identity to your sim card, it would still be trivial to identify who you are if you use your phone like a normal human. Thanks to cell towers.

But yes this is just an excuse and does not stop much crime. If you want to break into a bank or hurt someone just leave your phone at home and you already circumvented this measure.

With wireless systems like LoRa, you can send totally legally, basically untraceable data across over 50 km.

This is not a real problem.

The service gets no other information other then “Is the holder of the id older then 18” => “Yes”

There is no personal data exchange.