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Something something „Land of the free“…

Republicans are Soviets. Not communists but Soviets. They want to abolish freedom, and they want Putin in charge of the USA.

At the last point, I don’t think its as much an idolization of Putin, but conservatives want a strong leader who isn’t a scared little bitch or a weak Alzheimer’s patient.

America does better under strong leadership. If you want to limit the presidential power, enact proper safeguards and don’t elect people like Trump, who, while strong, is not a good human being.

But Trump and the Repubniks do cuddle up to Putin. That’s how the name „Moscow Mitch“ came to be. I cannot wrap my head around this: Putin was/is a literal soviet. How can you call yourself a conservative and not hate Putin? Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire. It should be regarded as un-american to, for example, question support for Ukraine. As for the „strong leader“ part: If so many of you really want that, you could just have kept King George III. Instead, the gem of the ocean made tyranny tremble everywhere. As a European I feel like we are experiencing a successful infiltration operation where American society is being turned against everything its country once stood for. Good luck with that. God bless you.

I’ve never heard that nickname. In any case, I’m not saying I like Vladimir Putin. I’m not saying I liked Trump. I like the idea of a strong leader who will work with other nations, but not roll over and take shit either.

There’s nothing wrong with carrying a big stick, but nowadays everyone has forgotten the first part of Roosevelt’s sentence… “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.”

In other words, let your actions speak for you.

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