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I didn’t realize Hillary Clinton was running in the Republican National Convention. But it makes sense that the parties of Capital both want to control non-monetized social media.

For context, remember 2016 when Hillary went to war against “anonymous” what do you think she mean by that?

Or this?

The word “anonymous” doesn’t even appear on that web page, and that web page is 2 years old, and Hillary Clinton isn’t even running for president.

How about instead of you wasting my time, I waste yours and tell you to find something on that article that actually bothers you.

What should the government do about “misinformation” and how is it materially different then what Nikki Haley “vows” to do?

Why should I bother doing your homework for you, if you can’t even engage in the question I already had?

You are here and nothing but bad faith, and that is pathetic.

From the article: “The technology platforms are so much more powerful than any organ of the so-called mainstream press, and I do think that there has to be not just an American reckoning but a global reckoning with the disinformation, with the monopolistic power and control, with the lack of accountability that the platforms currently enjoy,” Clinton said.

How is that materially different then what Haley said?

“Lack of accountability”

Like erasing a subpoenaed email server?

Because literally none of that has to do with de-anonymizing people on social media, which is what Nikki Hailey wants.

But hey, we can have a truce: I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton, and you make damn sure not to vote for Nikki Haley.

I’m not worried about needing to vote for either of them. As a leftist I care more about the ideas being pushed in various ways, not the people who say them. The ideas being pushed by nikki are the same as hillary. A war on “disinformation” requires verification of who said something, Nikki is just advocating for the next step., De-anonymizing.

Yet I doubt you cared in 2016, so why do you care now?

Moral grandstanding and virtue signaling by referencing something that doesn’t even say what you wanted to say, doesn’t impress me

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I voted Working Families party in 2016 and explicitly wrote in Bernie Sanders for the top line.

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