The Hobbyist

It is illegal in some countries to fully cover your face in public. If it became a way to bypass surveillance, it could be made into law if it wasn’t already :(

Edit: for those wondering, Switzerland is one of them. Though they don’t have a large number of public cameras (yet?).


Yeah, awful. In my country, it is legal (or rather not illegal) in some places.

Do I give the air of someone who gives the first fuck about ‘legality’ under settler-colonial ‘legal’ frameworks?

Or more simply, all countries that are authoritarian enough to surveil their people, from Britain to China. First they say they are trying to prevent terrorism or somesuch BS, targeting minorities first, and then scaling up to the general population.

Black Charlie White

Fuck does any of this have to do with my point? ‘Authoritarian’ is just a McCarthyite smear in the first place; I’m talkin about not being able to trust the settler-colonial government to handle my race’s data, at all, in any manner or circumstance, and civil disobedience against said settler-colonials. It’s not about ‘authoritarian’ countries to me, it’s about blatantly-racist settler-colonials that can’t be trusted, and don’t you ever fix your fingers to try and ‘amend’ my words again.

I already mentioned the oppression of minorities. Why do you feel the need to make this about race, and exclusively your race?! By doing that, you ignore oppression and abuse by many governments worldwide.

(Is “settler” also a race? If we’re talking about definitions, I’ve seen that one abused a lot, to the detriment of human rights activists.)

Besides your offense at one word, do you have an actual problem with my statement? If I remove the word, will that put you more at ease?

Black Charlie White

And like that, you’ve broken clause c of my rules-- I don’t hold dialogues with those who even so much as sound like settlers, and that was a real crackerish JAQoff you just pulled there my boi. Fuck out my inbox.

Imagine, after my people are still getting literally genocided by the occupation government that stole us from our homes, forced us to build their country for them, then spent 200 years telling us they’d never pay us for it; imagine thinking that I’m ever going to waste my time reserving more of my energy for people halfway 'cross the world, that ain’t never oppressed me and never will, when my most immediate problem is you, and everyone who thinks like you.

Real talk, if you can’t wrap your malaised meat around the concept that your mentality is my enemy before any external ‘enemy’ that y’all claim to have, you’re not fit to discuss with.

I’ve already said I am against the oppression of minorities across the world. If you are oppressed, I’m against that.

Meanwhile, for some reason you are vocal about not caring about other minorities. That’s just… Strangely lacking in empathy.

You seem to be creating a dichotomy where people are either indigenous or settlers, without any room for a middle ground. If someone isn’t indigenous, are they a settler? And if that’s the case, based on the context clues you’ve provided, are you not a settler also?

Black Charlie White

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