I use Pi-Hole and works great. I’ve heard about AdGuard and seems the same thing as PiHole, but you have to install an app/extension. Everyone in this community recommend NextDNS. Whats the difference between them?

Yeah, I already have ProtonVPN subscription that I don’t really use… my smartphone OS already have built-in filter… And I can enable Tor network to all my phone connections which is safer from a plain VPN (but more problematic as many webs blocks you, that’s when I can use ProtonVPN with Secure Core which is super cool yeah! :D).

But I don’t like the idea of having a VPN that allows a device from outside my LAN access in. I would feel super paranoid and unsafe, knowing there is a way to get in.

And… my Smart TV is mainly used by my mom… still no ads but just saying… if I have a good PC… with many screens… why would I want a TV, I’m too addicted to PC. xD I can even access to the TV tuner with my PC with a HDHomeRun, and I just do mpv http://ip_of_hdhomerun/channel for example.

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