Yeah 12ft doenst seem to work on any sites anymore. Does anyone have any alternatives that work? I’m already familiar with the airplane mode trick but that’s not always fit for purpose.

I wouldn’t really consider improving their website coding so that people can’t pirate it enshittification.

Enshittification is based around a platform first creating something good for users and then making it good for suppliers and then when they are locked in, reduce quality. You aren’t locked into a news website that you aren’t even paying for, and you aren’t entitled to their products either.

That’s not the issue I am describing. Instead of improving their website code so people cannot pirate it, it seems like they are specifically blocking 12ft. Other workarounds still work.

How is specifically blocking 12ft enshittification then.

Because it’s slapping a bandaid fix on the side instead of fixing it as a whole?

It’s a poor, sloppy way to address the problem. But that’s just how these companies operate I guess.

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