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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 27, 2023


The university that I’m at is trying to get new students to use a digital student id that uses google wallet for scanning I think. They aren’t giving any new students physical student id’s unless they need it for something that doesn’t work with the digital ones.

So yeah some people do need google wallet.

What am I realistically supposed to do when the only place I can contact a lot of my friends is on discord, and sms is terrible.

They can just say that Linux is not supported though with proton because the community will just make it run better if they don’t block do anything to block Linux.

Other people will know what bootloader you use, what apps you use, etc. Yeah I guess its not a huge concern, but its something.

If you don’t have much experience with linux you should not use nixos. I don’t think nixos is any different from debian or fedora in privacy, anonymity, or security. Many people even reduce their privacy by putting their config on github.

Yeah, I haven’t seen a paywall in years with javascript disabled by default.

I wouldn’t really consider improving their website coding so that people can’t pirate it enshittification.

Enshittification is based around a platform first creating something good for users and then making it good for suppliers and then when they are locked in, reduce quality. You aren’t locked into a news website that you aren’t even paying for, and you aren’t entitled to their products either.

How is it enshittification to stop people from pirating your stuff?

Just accept that its not private, use the website (not the app), and don’t upload anything that you aren’t comfortable with being public.

You can also sign up with a burner phone number.

I just use mpv to watch videos if invidious doesn’t work.

That’s great! If you need any help in the future, I’m always open.

You can’t play VR on linux without significant pain and most VR games are from small devs who don’t do unethical stuff like pay-to-win.

I’m on NixOS also but I’m not using org-mode for my config, so idk how to help with that. If you do c-h ? you can see all of the help commands, like c-h m for your current keybinds, c-h v for variables, etc. It says just the key you have to do after doing c-h. Also if you use the which-key package, there’s a minibuffer that shows ways to complete a command after doing something like c-x in a list of what command happens after you do each possible key after it. Oh yeah I’m using vertico mode which shows all the functions when I hit m-x and is kinda like autocompletion in an ide except for m-x.

I created my emacs config by going through the awesome-emacs github page and adding any packages that looked useful. If you can’t find your buffers, you should do m-x ibuffer and then hit s m to sort buffers by mode, and then you can see all the buffers that are open. Centaur tabs mode is also nice because it adds tabs.

Adding packages using use-package makes it easier to remember what stuff you added and makes your config more portable. I just got used to emacs by using it with the default keybinds and a minimal amount of packages to understand how it works.

Alternatively if you know how to use vim, theres an apparently pretty good org mode package for it.

Well yeah, but I’m using it in emacs org mode, which is nicer to write than straight up LaTeX. I used to use markdown on vim (which can embed LaTeX if you use pandoc to convert to pdf) but org mode is better.

God mode keybinds and yasnippets makes it comfortable to type.

If you have the time to learn emacs, its really good for note taking. I don’t think any app other than Vim could compete in taking notes in my math class.

I’ve been gaming on NixOS for a while and it works relatively painlessly though I wouldn’t recommend NixOS to linux noobs. I think you should look at stuff like Fedora or distros that automatically install Nvidia drivers like Nobara Linux or Garuda Linux. The ones that automatically install them have no setup or pain to get actual working drivers while I’ve found in my experience that Arch Linux is the most pain and time to get working drivers.