Best Browser Privacy? Edge vs Chrome vs Firefox vs Brave in Wireshark
Which is the best browser for privacy? Is it Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Brave, today we look at DNS requests in Wireshark to analyze the connections made by ea...

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There. Is. Not. A. Single. Browser. That. Values. Your. Privacy.


Also, Mozilla is non-profit. They run on fumes because of it. As long as everything is disable-able, and it is, I’m happy to let them make some money so they can keep going. We need Firefox.

It’s infuriating that this video calls out Mozilla’s declaration that they respect user privacy, as if this contradicts that.

Respect is giving users options to do whatever they like and respecting their choices. Firefox does all of that. It respects you as the user and trusts you to control your own privacy by providing you the tools to do so.

Modern day software design emphasizes removing user choices so they’re easier to corral. Firefox will straight up let you break it if you want. It lets spinoffs like Fennec exist. That is user respect.

Yea. We really do need them. Like no browser is gonna make you 100% (or close to 100%) anonymous unless you use TOR (correctly). Even then idk. TOR is above my knowledge-base so I stick with firefox. It’s really the best you’re gonna get for reasonable privacy control. Of course I hardened it a bit and added a few extensions.

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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