It feels like I mine bitcoins for our Great Daddy Gaben every other update, setting my CPU at 100% for a long time.

I know it makes difference (to skipping it and eating lags), it works, but how it doesn’t use previous literal gigabytes of generated shaders, starting from 0% every time? Why it takes so much time?

I feel like I’m a dumbass and I miss something obvious. Or I just feel like I’m alone with it? Do you guys all deal with it?

Am sitting at 66% percents, my PC heats like it renders video in Premiere, just to let me play the game I’ve played yesterday again. Guess all my recycling and replanting routine can fuck right off with that power consumption. Sorry, nature, I tried.

But anyway if you are tired of it or knows some tricks, write what’s on your mind.

Their comments reads nothing at all like ChatGPT to me, and I’m stuggling to see why you said that.

What is the supposed sarcasm regarding bitcoin mining? Not sure what point is being made with that.

Андрей Быдло

It feels like I mine bitcoins for our Great Daddy Gaben every other update, setting my CPU at 100% for a long time.

That wasn’t serious. Can we call it a metaphor or an epithet? This person wrote a dedicated paragraph about that, thinking I suspect Valve in mining bitcoins. I didn’t think they are a bot, but they seemed to lose the tone of my text completely, once they got to ‘bitcoin’ word. It felt bot-ish because chatbots do dance around a few words sometimes.

Stop responding as if you’ve been asked “why do you think they are a bot” or “why do you think it’s bitcoin mining”. You were only asked why you said that. I know it’s not your actual idea.

Андрей Быдло

I was asked why they sounded like a bot to me, no? I made no point writing that.

You weren’t asked why you thought they were a bot. As I said, none of us seriously believed you thought they were a bot. We asked what the point being made by that joke was.

Андрей Быдло

And I said it has no point.

If your joke has no point, then it’s just a statement.

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