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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


How are they supposed to know what to search for? Try and understand someone who doesn’t know what you know.

What if you’ve never heard of “user agents” before?

Kids aren’t being “coerced into being gay”. That’s a batshit statement right there.

Also, slavery is always bad. End of story. Putting any leeway in there is disgusting.

I recommend Nobara - it’s based on the rock-solid stable Fedora, with extra tweaks to make gaming easier.

Why is incognito mode not good enough to hide your browsing from your partner? That’s what you’re responding to. We all agree it doesn’t stop google.

If your joke has no point, then it’s just a statement.

You weren’t asked why you thought they were a bot. As I said, none of us seriously believed you thought they were a bot. We asked what the point being made by that joke was.

Stop responding as if you’ve been asked “why do you think they are a bot” or “why do you think it’s bitcoin mining”. You were only asked why you said that. I know it’s not your actual idea.

Their comments reads nothing at all like ChatGPT to me, and I’m stuggling to see why you said that.

What is the supposed sarcasm regarding bitcoin mining? Not sure what point is being made with that.

They don’t imply that

They just imply he owns a service most of the world uses

Everyone says “they” when talking about a group that isn’t “us”

That’s just how language works

It ain’t that deep

“They” are the users. That makes him the owner. “They” means humans most of the time, since we don’t know any aliens

Perhaps that’s part of it. But I’d say the bigger part is just wanting more control over the tech industry in general - gaming and OS are just part of that.

The first feeds the second. It’s the same mechanism as stereotyping.

You’re only guessing, just as I am. Until we can see an actual price breakdown of their tickets, it remains a guess.

when facing with multiple choices one is unfamiliar with presuming that the cheapest has some problem and going for the 2nd cheapest.


If there was a study that proved all cheaper items were actually inferior, it would prove the presumption correct. But this study does not prove that.

It only proves what I said - that people presume cheaper items are worse.

EDIT: I’m not saying cheaper items aren’t often worse. They often are. But it is not a general rule. Many more expensive items have inflated prices, leaving room beneath them for more honestly priced items of similar quality.

Again, that’s just market ideology speaking

You get what you pay for.


There’s no law stating cheap stuff has to be shit, it’s just an assumption based on market ideology

No one’s twisting RyanAir’s arm to be dickheads

I’d feel iffy about even that tbh

JK’s anti trans meltdown has soured all my interest in the HP universe

it supports trans… people… damn that was hard to write… which is the reason I never bought it

Not sure I’m understanding… You’re saying you didn’t buy the game because the content of it is pro trans? And what about that sentence was hard to write?

you would not support Rowling by buying it because it’s trying to do the opposite. There’s even a trans character in a pub.

JK profits from the game’s sales

Cool, but i don’t intend to give money to anything that supports the Queen of TERFdom