Андрей Быдло

вольный глас рассеи

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 12, 2023


You are welcome. Hope you’d get the most from whatever you choose (:

In spite of you saying it’s not for you, I think that finding a cheap hosting for your blog is the easiest solution there. With some effort you can export your Wordpress.com site onto an actual free WP engine they sit above. Then, with plugins, here come autoreposts to other social media and whatever you want. Low traffic means you can choose an options with the lowest price.

As a bonus you can also host your portfolio page, get personalized email addresses, a VPN server to wherever it’s hosted, and basically an environment you can put anything to, even your own Lemmy instance.

On the latter - the population of federated platform is very small but super loyal, and also lacking content. So I feel that even if you won’t consider making or renting your own server, establishing your blog here can get you a lot of interactions. Probably, some admins won’t mind if you make your own /c/ommunity for that as long as it’s not abandoned.

OP means Wordpress.com, a hosting website and a constructor using Wordpress.org engine. VPS solves it completely, but they don’t find paying for hosting worth it.

We can log active processes and services, windows’ headers and states, their and mouse’s position, integrate it with one’s git versions’ and browser view’s history, history of all file relocations done by select programs or\and by user. If there’s an AI assistant like M$ Autopilot, also log every request and output in a text form, log keys, back up settings and configs. If we talk about screenshots, pure text table is as light as a feather and is easier to work with, so this 3sec delay looks like an overkill, even though they’d find a way to compress it. With enough data, it’s probably easier to take time and reconstruct an approximate screencap than hoard it.

I imagine dragging your position on a timeline across entire months may be a fun novelty. But I don’t see myself having a reason to use it and prefer to lose information over logging so much of it even if it’s secure.

I’ve tried a couple modern ones, but after posting that and deciding to start with pre-Steam games, seems like for now PCSX2 serves me well.


Any tips on installing old NFS games, and what’s you favorite one?
I guess the meta is installing them via Lutris\Bottles and then launching them via Steam to have a modern controller support and overlay, is that's so? Does emulation make it better in any way (it seems easier)? What would you use playing them now? I've watched a couple of vids on games from NFSU to Pro Street forming some kind of a saga, and felt nostalgic enough to once again jump in this cringe pool. I won't spoil my own opinion on these games besides one point: Pro Street was probably the last one to have a decent, influential OST. Won't lie, they've introduced me to my current favs and made me research their genres further. For that I can excuse EA, or rather BlackBox from crticizing too much, although wanting to play their older games instead of new ones says it all.

Yandex one is correctly recognizing different symbols and tapping them in order. It was rather violent when it showed at any other click when I used it with adblocks and denied tracking while searching for images.

Rosetta Stone is there under the black flags too.

I hope someday DNT would not be an additional part of your digital fingerprint nailing you down as a part of a minority who turn this shit on.

Creating, collecting and sharing CSAM is in the law already. There are orgs and agencies for tracking and prosecuting these violations.

It’s like fighting against 3d printers because you can make yourself a diy gun, a thing that have never being possible before because we got all pipes banned from hardware stores. The means to produce fictional CSAM always existed and would exist, the problem is with people who use a LMM, a camera, a fanfic to create and share that content. Or a Lemmy community that was a problem in recent months.

It’s better to ensure the existing means of fighting such content are effective and society is educated about this danger, know how to avoid and report it.

Electrocution ends for an ad break, then starts again, and again.

I was asked why they sounded like a bot to me, no? I made no point writing that.

Didn’t know they have a github account. Thanks for pasting these links. I’d study this Q more while another reshadering is going on.

What isn’t broken with Nvidia? :b

It feels like I mine bitcoins for our Great Daddy Gaben every other update, setting my CPU at 100% for a long time.

That wasn’t serious. Can we call it a metaphor or an epithet? This person wrote a dedicated paragraph about that, thinking I suspect Valve in mining bitcoins. I didn’t think they are a bot, but they seemed to lose the tone of my text completely, once they got to ‘bitcoin’ word. It felt bot-ish because chatbots do dance around a few words sometimes.

1060, 6Gb x i5 8600


It’s faster than when I first came to Linux, sure. And I see that my 6yo mid setup doesn’t work okay in big games if I skip this, and is slower than most recent builds of the same price range.

What stupid ideas are you invalidating right now, besides me jokingly comparing your writing style to a bot’s one? It’s not about answering fast enough (that’s possible, you are wrong there, hehe), you miss keys while printing since your first answers. I know you are real. I’m just confused by how you write. That’s all.

I never meant my PC was mining bitcoins in the first place. I said it again and again. I think now that’s settled?

Our argument is stupid. And as you descended to insults, it’s not even funny. Feel free to tag me this fucking idiot on Lemmy, I think that we’d see each other again. Hope, next time would be more productive.

me, collecting my anus bones and fitting them together

Ha, I’m happy for you having a better time, and it sounds like a good reason to switch.

Yeah, cause those GPT bots are out there monitoring your very special comments on Lemmy specifically. Y’know because they matter…

Bots on there or reddit answer anything with a YT link, or just anything. There were subs where bots were talking to each other in circles, a lot of them were noticed carmafarming. I doubt no one of techie locals tried to build a good person-like bot there. This project is too obvious of an idea.

I don’t feel special. I feel screwed that some human-adjacent bot answers me bs and makes no sense. I feel like I’m trapped in a void, and I can’t reach other people.

If you thought that was a joke, I have some material you should watch.

I don’t know what invited that suggestion. But drop them. I have time.

I’d take my words back, if they would be related to what I’ve said.

You are a real person AND you felt like my starting little half-joke about bitcoin (ignoring everything else in my post) is worth you writing half of your previous answer, a whole paragraph about it? Like what? Seriously?

I’m still not convinced if you aren’t a robot. You do behave as such. Just like ones on stackoverflow I’ve seen today.

I hear you. I’m really just venting.

The catch is those non-demanding games are fast to reshader. It’s only when you face a heavyweight release this starts to matter, and wastes time accordingly :)

It’s me venting. And providing a place for venting and advices. Things people do sometimes.

While you are sounding like some chatgpt. You do a paragraph on me mentioning bitcoin with obvious sarcasm. And it’s all messed up.

How do you cope with shader processing?
It feels like I mine bitcoins for our Great Daddy Gaben every other update, setting my CPU at 100% for a long time. I know it makes difference (to skipping it and eating lags), it works, but how it doesn't use previous literal gigabytes of generated shaders, starting from 0% every time? Why it takes so much time? I feel like I'm a dumbass and I miss something obvious. Or I just feel like I'm alone with it? Do you guys all deal with it? Am sitting at 66% percents, my PC heats like it renders video in Premiere, just to let me play the game I've played yesterday again. Guess all my recycling and replanting routine can fuck right off with that power consumption. Sorry, nature, I tried. But anyway if you are tired of it or knows some tricks, write what's on your mind.

Authoritarian states having a morning wood over that.

China, Iran, Russia, Belarus etc: this, for meee?

If apps would turn off e2e encryption, how would it be? Would it affect bordering regions? Users of VPNs inside EU?

My country proposed a ban on VPN software (targeting appstores providibg them), it can also target messengers. If I get a EU version of this app, or if I use a european VPN to connect via it, would I be less safe sending political memes?

Greatly depends on where you live. More corrupt states’ officials sell it left and right. I recall cops bootlegging CDs with a base of driver licenses, registry info and what’s not. Guess most of them moved into darkweb\TG now. You may ask those whose life depends on it although they don’t naturally have access, like journos, private investigators or loan-sharks if you know any of those.