I had one of those come in once when I was working IT. Iirc the hdds may have been raided so I’m not sure if you could easily recover the data unless it was like a raid 1. That said if you just want the hdds yeah they were just normal shit in an overdesigned enclosure.

Seems odd to put individual external drives into a RAID array.


Also not sure it would matter unless it was a multi drive array.

Yeah the one I was thinking of was a multidrive enclosure

meseek #2982

Yeah nothing to do with data at all. Just wanted to salvage the physical drive. What’s funny is like it’s just a shit enclosure with some nice plastic. The insinuation that LaCie built some custom drive with proprietary controllers is just ludicrous to me. Especially from a supposed “tech” crew. Gotta wonder what they were doing to them that the drives they pulled were all DOA. I scraped a bit of the plastic near one clip, but the enclosure after the removal was totally reusable.

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