Brave appears to install VPN Services without user consent - gHacks Tech News
Brave Software appears to be installing VPN services on Windows devices without user consent during Brave Browser updates.

If you have the Brave Browser installed on your Windows devices, then you may also have Brave VPN services installed on the machine. Brave installs these services without user consent on Windows devices.

Brave Firewall + VPN is an extra service that Brave users may subscribe to for a monthly fee. Launched in mid-2022, it is a cooperation between Brave Software, maker of Brave Browser, and Guardian, the company that operates the VPN and the firewall solution. The firewall and VPN solution is available for $9.99 per month.

Check out It is a fork of Chromium with performance and security improvement. Chris Titus recommends it.

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Thorium isn’t good at all imo. They don’t really do much to enhance privacy/security, and have constantly delayed updates. It seems to be ran entirely by 1 college kid in his free time.

I like Chris Titus, but I wouldn’t really use him as a source for privacy/security advice.

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Even better, ditch chromium altogether. There are many performance and privacy focused Firefox forks.

The developer of Thorium has a fork of Firefox called Mercury. Hmmm… Some obviously didn’t check out the website.

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