• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Nice of them to attempt to point blame at AWS, I’m sure AWS appreciates that.

That’s why I reject all in Firefox settings along with wiping everything at close

On Graphene with Sandboxed Google Play (even on Android 14), this was where the setting was.

Kagi is great but it’s a subscription based platform ($10/month). Well worth it, at least for me.

I’m pretty sure the new deck’s screen is bigger, so I doubt that it’ll fit.

LUKS with LVM is probably what you want to encrypt your “hot” drives with. As for the actual backups, Borg and Duplicacy are great. I personally prefer Duplicacy as I find it much more polished, but Borg is great too. Both include encryption options.

If you’re concerned about recovering data, you should try recovering now. Make sure your backups are actually working and you can properly recover. You don’t have backups unless you test them.

I agree, but Signal on mobile doesn’t require destruct timers either.

With Kagi, you can kind of do this, either through lenses or by completely blocking website from your search results. Obviously not as good as a block list but still, something.

Then why did you say “you don’t know what you’re talking about” and are just now bringing up systemctl? Moving goalposts maybe?

This was never about runlevel 0 or 1 programs. This was always about whether or not a user can use systemd without root. Why would Brave need to start a VPN service at an init runlevel (before most networking services)? It would make more sense to start at login.

Again, it’s not true, so you don’t need to keep acting like it’s the case. You do not need root to create systemd entries for a single user. Systemd is pretty much just symlinks all the way down. You can test this yourself, so I don’t know why you’re saying it’s not possible when me and many others in this thread have told you that you were incorrect in the first place.

That’s what I said, it was my professional opinion. Sorry if you took it otherwise. Who pissed in your Cheerios? You have a vested interest in hating other people’s choice of search engine?

I ask again, what are you basing your opinion off of if not personal reasons or SEO?

Not exactly. Mostly what I’m doing with “SEO” is making sure pages show up correctly on each search engine, such as the text previews and what pages come up if you just search for my client’s name. If you don’t format your webpage correctly, it can look pretty bad on some search engines. For Kagi specifically, it seems to pull the appropriate content and text previews from my client’s sites most often, if that makes sense.

Since I’m self taught and self employed I don’t do any of the shady things (at least, I hope) that actual SEO community might be doing, and I definitely can’t afford to “pay off” any company to get better results.

Uh… and what are you basing your opinion on? Not SEO or personal reasons, I hope.

I’m going off of personal experience. I’ve used them all for SEO, and I find Kagi’s results and experience better for my own personal use.

And yet, Kagi’s search results far surpass both DDG and Bing.

My comment wasn’t about installing the package. You seemed to think that systemd required root, which it does not. Further, you can have systemd user processes start at boot. I do this exact thing with Duplicacy, no root required.

Installing as user does not require root, to be clear. You can use systemd without root by specifying user.

> If you have the Brave Browser installed on your Windows devices, then you may also have Brave VPN services installed on the machine. Brave installs these services without user consent on Windows devices. > Brave Firewall + VPN is an extra service that Brave users may subscribe to for a monthly fee. Launched in mid-2022, it is a cooperation between Brave Software, maker of Brave Browser, and Guardian, the company that operates the VPN and the firewall solution. The firewall and VPN solution is available for $9.99 per month.

> Vechev and his team found that the large language models that power advanced chatbots can accurately infer an alarming amount of personal information about users—including their race, location, occupation, and more—from conversations that appear innocuous.

Owned by a Brave engineer, so of course brave looks better there. Do not trust that site.

A valid question that got me thinking. It’s probably relatively straight forward to use something like TamperMonkey instead especially if you only care about a few sites being in dark mode. Might be worth looking into as an alternative.

Reolink has a doorbell camera that works even with no internet, and can record locally both to SD or to an NVR. No sign up is required.

This is straight up misinformation about Signal. The internet was made in part by the US government, so was Tor. You don’t avoid using those, and it’s very public knowledge that they were created with help from the feds.

Just like on reddit, treat everything here as public. Do not post things that you want to be private to either site; this goes for literally any website you don’t own.

I know not everyone is willing to do this, but I just made myself unreachable elsewhere and many started using signal for that reason.