We trust companies with our information every day. But many companies—even those that hold our most revealing information—are using it not just to provide the services we ask for, but to amp up their profits at the cost of our privacy.That's why EFF has joined a campaign, led by the U.S. Public...

This is why I think gnu taler is a great company and project


Ask the woman and her daughter that got charged after anti abortion laws got passed and were dumb enough to use Facebook for communication.

Even assuming that MasterCard is fully intending to keep everything secure (which is impossible to guarantee), you never know how it’s going to be used later on.

I mean, ffs, it’s already known that multiple US agencies just buy data and use it for their purposes. It’s a damn sure bet that every damn country does something similar.

De-anonymizing data is a thing. You get enough data points, and everything is right there.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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