We trust companies with our information every day. But many companies—even those that hold our most revealing information—are using it not just to provide the services we ask for, but to amp up their profits at the cost of our privacy.That's why EFF has joined a campaign, led by the U.S. Public...

This is why I think gnu taler is a great company and project

Per the article, it seems Visa has already stopped this practice. I think they’re calling out Mastercard as the other top player in the consumer credit card space (I doubt Amex has quite the market dominance Visa / MC do, especially overseas).

And just because Visa is shutting down Ad Solutions does not mean Visa is out of the data-slinging business, but Gerlt declined to provide details as to what that could look like going forward

They probably spawned a sub company who will take that over. No way in hell I believe they stopped this practice.



Ironically: “Enable JavaScript & cookies to continue” IA alternative link

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