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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


This feels a lot like the argument of well what if they break TLS? A lot of hypotheticals when I don’t have any reason or proof to believe that they’ve made a back door

I was able to install Linux on my 2015 MBP, but weird stuff didn’t work OOTB like the webcam and while I eventually got it working, it was less than polished because it was all reverse engineered workarounds by the Linux gods who managed to figure out the exact commands that were needed to be run.

Also the hardware support is not great, for example the webcam. I installed Linux on my old MBP but it was a hassle to get the webcam working involving some dubious command line entries with sudo

They can lie about how the advanced data encryption works…. But then they also tell you that you’re shit outta luck if you forget or screw up your decryption code. If they really had a back door, then I would expect them to take a much less hard line on you’re screwed if you lose the key.

I would be surprised if they had a back door too given how they’ve pushed back on back doors from the NSA and EU

I’m still so upset about Chamberlain disabling my smart garage with all that (I’m not about to use their damn app).

Thankfully the open source community have reverse engineered something but still, now I have to spend $40 because Chamberlain got butt hurt that people didn’t want to use their app.


I’m in the same boat, biggest donation by far is to my local county charity, with a focus on food security and childhood development. Other than that I donate to Lemmy and Bitwarden (I kinda earmark that as a donation in my mind?).

I don’t understand why everything seems to always require “both sides” in reporting. Some things should be written with an obvious slant and not try to walk it back with a BS quote from the other side.

Per the article, it seems Visa has already stopped this practice. I think they’re calling out Mastercard as the other top player in the consumer credit card space (I doubt Amex has quite the market dominance Visa / MC do, especially overseas).