imagine microsoft promoting guides to use the terminal which was deemed outdated, slow and complicated legacy in the past.

Give it two or three more major teleases, then windows will be a DE runnining on some *nix-ish kernel. Microsoft is really learning the hard way.

If they actually change the kernel to something new and modern, I might just find a little respect to give to them

I will die laughing the day that Windows becomes a linux distro.

I mean it wouldn’t be that surprising, they make all their money on corporate installs. A service based Linux type system which has all the same spyware and issues as windows being a good business decision for them doesn’t seem like a victory, just a corporation doing a capitalism.

big pupper

All the rumors for 12/CoreOS are saying it’s going to be in Rust.

If true, it must be a thin client then. I just can’t imagine they’ll rewrite the kernel in Rust. That would be awesome, but super error prone if they’re going to try to maintain backward compatibility. GUI in Rust is also painful, so I doubt it’s that either.

Don’t quote me on this but i recall seeing something a while back about how a significant part of the windows kernel was already ported to rust. The windows kernel has been fairly decoupled from the UI layer for a while, that was one of the big efforts in the 8.1 and 10 versions: to have a core that xbox, phone, and desktop could all share.

Huh, it looks like Windows 11 is including Rust to some degree in the kernel. I wonder how far they’ll take it.

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