I exist or something probably

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Yeah I don’t agree with the osd being the only approach to being open source. Turns out people have differing opinions on that. You’re welcome.

It wasn’t a response to my comment because you didn’t respond to my comment. You said is proprietary. I point out that it’s not a terrible license. Then you resort to a sound bite non response.

You could have pointed out for example that ftl 3.2 and 4.1 are pretty shitty limitations to impose.

Ah. Of course. Something being open source doesn’t make it open source. It all makes sense now thank you for clarifying.

That also wasn’t technically a response to my comment, it was an ideological defense mechanism to avoid addressing the content of the license.

This license while not the most permitting does not appear to hide the code behind any proprietary shielding though.

It’s not just the user agent that fingerprints a user.

Hence a good most of the exact comment you responded to.

No it’s a security and fingerprinting tradeoff.

The more your browser acts to hide your behaviors and limit tracking, the more unique your fingerprint is. The most private browser setup is one which appears to be identical to all the other traffic in a non unique way, or noise. This definitionally lacks information for tracking.

Also security flaws and tracking exploits need to be constantly patched.

This is a fundamental tradeoff for privacy. Using more obscure browsers can (not always) then expose you to behavioral fingerprinting because they look different and react to web pages differently.

Being your own bank is 99% of the problems crypto runs into. It turns out being your own bank is hard and makes most people into marks. This is of course, by design, and most of the space, the vast majority of the space, is scams.

Also bitcoin has kept its promises just as much as USD has. That’s not really a useful metric.

If that’s what you feel is the case if you don’t separate politics from technology then that sounds like a personal problem to address.

Technology and ethics and politics are not airgapped magically distinct things. Pretending that they are is a strategic political choice you are actively making.

“People want to talk about the things they care about when they should be talking about the things I care about!”

It helps, but also the lack of e2ee is a pretty hard sell…

I mean it wouldn’t be that surprising, they make all their money on corporate installs. A service based Linux type system which has all the same spyware and issues as windows being a good business decision for them doesn’t seem like a victory, just a corporation doing a capitalism.

They do not.

The format where they do is when it is a service provider and they simply stop service of the contract. I.e. if you don’t accept the terms and services for say, using reddit, they can just choose to not continue providing you access to those servers.

But it didn’t hold up on contracts involving already rendered services or anything really other then the outcome of declining being ‘everyone exiting the contract’ or simply moving back to the previous contract.

Courts in the us have pretty much universally upheld that contracts cannot be changed without all parties agreeing.

Plaster sculpt, then add fake skin to, and add a small linear actuator for breathing stimulation, small twitch motors under the skin, and run it under some alternating leds to stimulate blood flow coloration. Should defeat almost all facial recognition software. Might need some eye fakes.

Or just wear makeup to an insane degree. Or return to the forests and live a much happier life.

Nobody has mentioned librewolf, which is a fantastic out of the box privacy browser. It’s a Firefox fork.