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Yes, for sure, by simply connecting to the internet using my local provider and public backbone infrastructure (I’m not in US) I’m supporting corporations. Next you will tell me I’m supporting Saudi Arabia by turning light on in my bathroom.

Yes, for sure, by simply connecting to the internet using my local provider and public backbone infrastructure (I’m not in US) I’m supporting corporations. Next you will tell me I’m supporting Saudi Arabia by turning light on in my bathroom.

You are getting dangerously close to understanding my reply. It was deliberately ridiculous, and is equivalent to the ridiculousness of your initial observation. Yes, there is and will be discourse around privacy on YouTube. No, it is not ironic.

If you think that putting content on YT and pushing more people to the platform hence giving them more data while talking about protecting your data from corporations is not ironic then you simply don’t know what irony is.

If you think that putting content on YT and pushing more people to the platform hence giving them more data while talking about protecting your data from corporations is not ironic then you simply don’t know what irony is.

It’s either that… or - and that’s possible as well - you might be wrong. There’s entire meme traditions surrounding the ridiculousness of your remark.

No, it’s the first thing. Something being ironic doesn’t mean it’s bad or that it shouldn’t be done. I think you’re confusing it with hypocrisy and thinking I’m attacking the idea.

That doesn’t sound convincing at all. There’s just no irony in addressing privacy on YouTube.

There’s no irony in talking about press freedom in the unfree press nor is there anything ironic about a serf lamenting the socage in their Middle Ages village squares.

People converse where people are. That is trivial.

People converse where people are. That is trivial.

Again, you’re confused. Ironic doesn’t mean it’s illogical or wrong. But that’s ok, irony is a difficult concept to understand and has been misunderstood by many people before you (like Alanis Morissette, isn’t that ironic?). But hey, let’s ask AI:

Would you consider posting videos about privacy on youtube which is run by google ironic?

The question of whether it’s ironic to post videos about privacy on YouTube, which is owned by Google, is a matter of perspective. On one hand, YouTube, like many other online platforms, is operated by a company that collects user data for various purposes, including targeted advertising. This can be seen as a potential conflict of interest when discussing online privacy.

On the other hand, many content creators on YouTube use the platform to educate and raise awareness about privacy issues. They may provide tips on how to protect your privacy online, inform users about potential risks, and advocate for better data protection practices. So, while the platform is owned by Google, it still serves as a valuable medium for spreading information about online privacy.

In this sense, it might not be considered ironic, but rather a practical choice for reaching a broad audience with privacy-related content. Users can take steps to protect their privacy while using platforms like YouTube, such as adjusting privacy settings, using VPNs, and being mindful of the information they share. It’s all part of the ongoing discussion about balancing the benefits of online services with concerns about privacy and data security.

Interesting… so I ask:

so something practical can not be ironic?

Practicality and irony are not mutually exclusive concepts. Something can be both practical and ironic depending on the context and the way it is interpreted. Irony often arises when there is a contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs.

In the case of posting privacy-related content on YouTube, the potential irony lies in the contrast between the platform’s ownership by Google, a company that collects user data for advertising purposes, and the content’s focus on privacy protection. Some people might find this situation ironic because a company with a vested interest in collecting data is hosting content that encourages users to protect their data.

However, others may not see it as ironic but rather as a practical way to reach a large audience to discuss and educate about privacy issues. The intention may be to use the platform’s reach and influence to promote better privacy practices.

In summary, while practicality and irony can coexist, whether or not something is considered ironic depends on individual perspectives and interpretations of the situation.

Yeah, pretty much my take. It’s both practical and ironic. You watch those videos so you focus on the practicality. I don’t watch them so while I don’t negate it’s practical I focus on the irony of it.

Again, you’re confused.

I think your credibility would be greater if you weren’t so bad at trying to gaslight the other participants. 😄

irony is a difficult concept

What a clownish thing to say.

So from this entire explanation of why I think you’re confused all you took is that I’m gaslighting? Nice way to always ‘be right’. But what do I care? Whatever makes you happy.

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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