Joe :fedora: :debian: :ferris: (
Today I found out that google docs infects html exports with spyware, no scripts, but links in your document are replaced with invisible google tracking redirects. I was using their software because a friend wanted me to work with him on a google doc, he is a pretty big fan of their software, but we were both somehow absolutely shocked that they would go that far. wrote:

Today I found out that google docs infects html exports with spyware, no scripts, but links in your document are replaced with invisible google tracking redirects. I was using their software because a friend wanted me to work with him on a google doc, he is a pretty big fan of their software, but we were both somehow absolutely shocked that they would go that far.


How are people surprised? How is this news?

The second you mentioned Google you’re talking about an all-seeing totalitarian state. Nothing you said about imbedding tracking links in docs is surprised. As a corporation they are always developing new ways to pimp you out and make you turn tricks for Google without you knowing while they keep all of the pay from your actiities.

Google tries to turn every human on the planent into their personal money making whore.

you absolute fucking nincompoop! You’ve never fully fleshed out every single possible vector that Google could use to track and catalog you? Moron!!

-You, just now


Now there’s a term I haven’t heard in a hot minute haha

Of course it’s not at all surprising but it’s still particularly egregious and should be called out.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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