Sometimes these login portals accept any old bogus email or burner account. They were logging your IP anyway so realistically doesnt add any more compromised dafa

I’m gonna assume that by IP you mean MAC address because your IP is something that gets negotiated with the AP when you connect, changes every time you connect and can’t really be linked back to your device at a public AP. In that case, the right move is to enable MAC randomization and connect through a VPN if you need to hide who you’re talking to or just rely on TLS if you don’t care that they know who you’re talking to and only need to hide what was said.

Yup, meant MAC/other hardware info lol

You can also set randomized MAC addresses in your wifi settings

That’s what I meant when I said “enable MAC randomization”

People think your IP address is the key to your treasures but everyone you communicate with on the Internet has your IP or talks to someone who does.

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