• 8 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


even worse, this may very well become a “let’s ban whatever we want” type of power to their disposal.

Not Good.

I would, but I’m worried that somehow I can get in trouble for harassing a government official.

I tried calling my state’s senators, they voted yes anyways…


Under the FISA expansion, what exactly should I worry about, how do I manage privacy?
Hello everyone, with the unfortunate passing of the FISA expansion, I was left with a few questions. I tried to research it, and to me, it *seems* like they are beefing up surveillance with routers and ISPs (correct me if I'm wrong.) Aside from having businesses stalk you when you use their WiFi (connected with ISPs.) And if that's the case, should I just always use a VPN? And furthermore, shouldn't you have always used a VPN prior to this anyways? That's why I'm confused because I already thought that other businesses were collecting data and our ISPs were already sending our data away, so I'm partially confused about what the real change here with FISA is. Any clarification and advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.

He likely doesn’t want to get too involved with social media. Stuff easily consumes you. Twitter is just good to reach out to people, which is kinda bad that Twitter got that big.

How effective do you believe that a Faraday cage would be against this mechanism?

It’s honestly Doublethink.

Whenever Google gets exposed for bad practices, people ignore it. And they believe this stuff is good or don’t care.

I saw this on infinity for Reddit earlier, I don't know if there's a workaround for this or not.

They do work for other companies, Telegram says on the app they’re texting my telegram specifically. I can’t change it to SMS.

How can you clean your phone number (2nd upload)
Hello everyone! I have a small issue. I wanted to remove all media accounts associated with my phone number. One account to remove was Telegram, I deleted the app long ago, but never my account. So, I downloaded Telegram again, tried to log in, and it keeps texting the login code to my number on Telegram, it won't do SMS. And I have no other telegrams sessions anywhere else where I can log in. I'm stuck, can't log in to delete it. I went on their support website to file a complaint, and they never got back to me. Is there another way for me to delete my actual account if they won't let me log back on? I guess I have 2 questions at this point, either how can I deal with Telegram, and or is there way to clean my phone number of all accounts at once? Any ideas are appreciated. TL;DR Can't log in to Telegram, want to delete account, how can I achieve this?

You’d need to always keep your phone in airplane mode, and maybe either use a mobile provider that works horrible with GrapheneOS, or change your mobile strength to like 3G, you can completely lose calls and texts when in airplane mode at that point, you’ll never get them, maybe you can stop the Pegasus attack.

Or, don’t use a phone number, rely on encrypted messaging. But if you must have some number, you could have 2 phones, one with just the phone number and sim card, then the other phone with Signal so your private phone shouldn’t be compromised.

Those are the only ways I can think of trying to resist it.

Well, you could do WiFi calls and text with a VPN, use Signal, or Signal with a VPN?

Any possibility that these are apps or sites that you use while using that VPN? And maybe DDG is also blocking it? I don’t use any of that stuff so I’m just taking a guess.

I know Google has made pixel tablets, and I heard you can get GrapheneOS on at least 1 of them. So there’s that.

You can’t change the email you use? Are you open to deleting those accounts, and maybe making new ones? Or saying goodbye to those platform’s for good? Customer service could help you change emails, perhaps.

How could I convert the pictures back to a PDF when I’m done?

Is there a way to bring it back to a PDF after?

I deleted telegram long ago, but not my account, just the apps.

As of recent, I wanted to log back in and actually delete my phone number from there, so there’s no more association.

I can’t login. I download the app, and it sends a verification code through Telegram and won’t do SMS, but I’m not logged in at all so I can’t get the code.

I’m stuck there. I contacted support and they’re yet to respond. :p

PDF editor on Linux?
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a FOSS editing app to use on PDFs, just to add text and and mark things out, I tried GNU image editor but it just works on images exclusively. Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.

I hate to say this, but it’s really, actually, literally 1984. In that book you never knew where a microphone could be, even in the woods.

You should get a Steam Deck, I want one as it seems pretty awesome. It runs Linux and you can sail the seven seas like crazy on there, yk?

Honestly, I haven’t played games in a while but in the future, when I feel like gaming again, the Steam Deck will likely be my thing.

The year is 2050

Booting up Windows84

Hello, your NSA overseer is Mr. X

It appears that you have committed 147 thought crimes this week…your accounts shall be ghosted for the time being.

You could create an Odysee channel perhaps, and try to migrate there. Then you’re supporting competition.

Honestly I’m just quitting social media. It got to a point where I just go on to learn about things, not to laugh at something stupid or post about how I’m feeling. You don’t need 4+ social media accounts at that point.

I was looking for something that I’m confident doesn’t spy at the hardware level.

I used Thinkpads as an example because after the early 2010 ones, they got those weird i7 (I believe) processors and we don’t know much of what they do but some speculate they record keystrokes and phone data home.

What PC can you trust has good hardware in privacy? I don’t want to buy a PC and run Linux, trying my best, and the thing spies at the hardware level.

What PC is like the “thinkpad” of PCs?
Hello. Many of the older thinkpads were regarded as being peak for the ability to repair and easily see into them at both the hardware and software levels. I was wondering, what PC, if any, is similar in this regard? Aside from building your own PC ofc. Any opinions are welcome. Thank you.

On Android, Squaker still currently works after the latest update. You can view tweets and profiles but not replies. The guy running it is really working overtime for us.

Couldn’t you ask the guys at the dealership to remove the router and such from the car? Say you don’t want internet. If so, I’d say that’s the best you’d get in terms of new cars.

I love how our tax dollars and inflated fed bucks go to this. We pay to get spied on. We’ve gone far beyond full circle.

You could try to jailbreak but honestly you’re better off not having an iPhone

I have to buy older cars. I wish there was a car company making new cars that were older fashioned. Or I wish cars were simplistic enough to DIY.

Well, if you didn’t take all the precautions you took, over a 1000 data brokers could’ve had access to your address, and so much more about you.

And while I most certainly don’t like it, I know that I’m still stopping them from learning even more about me, and my search results are still secure.

Everyone I get to talk to me on Signal is having a secure conversation with me.

Everything to an extent is a win, so don’t give up king.

What communities are there on Revolt? Anything big? Like GrapheneOS, Linux Mint, Signal, Monero?

I know that Matrix has their communities.

I’m interested in the day it hits the Linux Desktop, but being even on iOS is crazy imo.

FOSS app like google scan?
Hello everyone, I have a few old pictures I was hoping to get scanned onto my phone, I know that Photo Scan by Google does a good job, but I was hoping for a libre alternative to use first. Would anyone know of any? Worst case scenario, I don't give Photo Scan internet access, but was still wondering what else is out there. Thanks!

I find that interesting, as there should be ways to only use email.

I’d say your IP or DNS is freaking them out. Sometimes when you have really good opsec on a browser, they can tell and will ask for weird shit like that.

I’d use a different browser, like maybe download Brave or Chromium or Librewolf (leave it out of the box) specifically for this stuff, assuming you use FireFox.

You can also download 3rd party clients for Facebook on Android, Insta is kinda a lost cause tho.

Edit: It’s not on F-Droid, you gotta hop on Github, but there is a client for Discord known as Aliucord on Android.

Will Google Play Services compromise my privacy on GrapheneOS?
Hello everyone. I have a separate profile for my proprietary apps on GOS, yet some of these apps don't work, so I'm thinking I need to enable Google Play Services. Was wondering if this could hugely compromise my privacy, and if I could uninstall GPS later on. Thank you!