So, Telegram has launched horrible ads that look a lot like spam to me. At least in my channels it’s typically some crypto bullshit. So, I wonder if people know about alternatives to the subscription service for blocking them? Sadly, Forkgram won’t offer that option and it doesn’t seem to be allowed. However, I wonder if there are still forks out there which block the ads? Or do people know of alternative options?
Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.
In this community everyone is welcome to post links and discuss topics related to privacy.
much thanks to @gary_host_laptop for the logo design :)
i kinda wanna quit nowadays but android customization channels (custom roms, gcam etc) are moving there from xda nowadays so no choice :(
wish there was some read only tg scraper.
I would also like the link to custom roms channels. I never used Telegram but may check it out since its something I am interested in.
they are usually about a specific device. These are the few I’m in. (Exynos 7884/5 Galaxy phones) (Exynos 5443, 8890, 8895, 9810) (Exynos 9820) (LG’s SDM845 devices)
usually when you look at a rom threads’ first post you can find a telegram link
Where can I find links to join these? Been wondering why everything is dried up.