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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


i have that issue as well, sometimes it’s missing results and other times i get the same result repeated on page 2. not sure why that happens, but i guess it’s just a bit buggy.

yeah it works but if you use a local instance you have to compile the extension yourself to include your instance.

i just use my local searxng instance and get results from like 10 engines including ddg, then filter with ublacklist

Not OP, but is this any better than the Island app? I’ve been using that for a long time and it seems to use the same android feature.

also be sure to disable cookies on youtube, it gets rid of weird suggestions and usually only suggests videos related to the current one

bruh, idk why i’m getting downvoted to hell but it’s the exact opposite of a pointless unmaintained buggy fork lol.

yeah it’s superior since systemd is inferior if you don’t exactly need it

This is news to me… not sure why I missed it…

I can’t find mention of Cory on that article though, maybe I misinterpreted, do you know where that is?

maybe they don’t enable js at all /s

jk, maybe they value fingerprinting over that? even tor browser doesn’t have one built in.

instaloader can scrape instagram accounts. do note that they’ll ban your account if you use it in a ‘suspicious’ way, i.e. downloading multiple times or simultaneously.

you can setup a cron job on your *nix machine and setup a script to notify for new files (posts).

I ususally just get rid of those popups using custom uBO filters.

I use uMatrix for this purpose… it hasn’t been updated for long though.

Users can just use W10 LTSC IOT until 2032 and switch to Linux or ReactOS by then lol… This thing just isn’t worth using

Would be OK except for Intel ME/AMD PSP I believe. An older Thinkpad with coreboot would be the best privacy wise.

instagram aggressively bans all third party clients, so barinsta (android) and bibilogram (web frontend) has all stopped development.

sadly barinsta development stalled over a year ago and in my case I get banned every time I use the app and need to do weird captchas on the official site.

The one I know about1 is the data being sent every 24 hours with a unique ID that they use to count active users. I’m not sure, I mostly do trust they won’t do anything weird with this and use Vivaldi sometimes, I guess it’s up to you to decide if you want to continue using.

Vivaldi is decent IMO but there are some telemetry some might find distracting. BTW, are you using Windows? What do you mean there’s no easy way to update Ungoogled Chromium?