A bill that would allow police in France to spy on suspects by remotely activating cameras, microphone including GPS of their phones has been passed.

Louis Rossmann’s recent upload on this (Odyssey/YT your choice): https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/french-bill-allows-remote-access-to-2:3


My hot take is that I have no problem with a government using due process to access a device. I take issue with proprietary devices. I take issue with this blatant theft of ownership. Everything I purchase should be forced to plaster any marketing with giant obnoxious warnings about how hardware and software rights are withheld and the object is only available as a one time payment rental. It should be like cigarettes in California; marketing is pointless because the warnings labels take up all available space. Proprietary should be labeled as neo-digital-feudalism. It is theft, blatant bold faced theft. There is no relevant IP to protect. These companies reverse engineer every competing product on the market. Now days you can even outsource the reverse engineering to third party companies. The software can be decompiled. The hardware can be broken down to the dies with sulfuric acid. Then every layer can be methodically etched away and photographed. You can even find hobbyists doing this kind of reverse engineering of silicon on YT. The only reason anything is proprietary is for theft of ownership. Open source software is a fundamental human right. It is as important as abolition of slavery. It is a form of slavery, of someone else taking ownership over your person, your identity. I have the right to know or learn about every piece of code running on my device. I have a right to know about every hardware register in the silicon. Only then, when I have full access to my hardware, when my command to turn off my device can not be overridden, only then is it okay to be able to legally tap my device. The modem and processor in every device must be fully documented open hardware, running only open source software.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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