Microsoft announces vague changes to the default web browser setting for Windows Insider. Nothing but wishful thinking. Still force-opens web links in Edge.

Still can’t play most competitive fps games on Linux. There’s a couple, but the majority are still windows only.

My reasoning is that it’s way too inconvenient to need to restart my pc multiple times a day if I want to play games. Add in that my audio solution doesn’t work at all on Linux (GoXLR) that requires me to use a separate set of peripherals and it just becomes less of a hassle to use windows over Linux.

By „can‘t play“ do you mean natively? Because proton makes it possible to play a ton of games.

Anti-cheats block Linux. EAC theoretically supports it, but from what I can tell it’s a less secure option for both windows and Linux, ensuring a lot of devs never turn it on.

Also idk what it is, but proton performance seems to be ~1/2-1/3 of what I get on native windows for pretty much every game. Had to give up on BG3 on Linux after I maxed out at ~40fps and huge stutters.

Then there’s something wrong with your setup. At most, I’ve seen 20% fps loss through proton.

I’m sure there is, but after a few hours of trying to get it to work it wasn’t worth it anymore and no tweaking was necessary to make it work perfectly on windows.

This is the 3rd time I’ve had the same issue. Major fps drops in every game played. This has happened over multiple Distros and multiple years. I don’t enjoy having to spend hours configuring a game just to make it run 20% worse than if I just installed it on windows.

Maybe we have different standards, but i am more than happy with 20-25 fps on low to medium settings.

Also, most competetive games that i know run on very old machines without that much issues.

20-25 fps is happy? That’s not suitable for fast paced games.

Destiny 2 explicitly says they’ll never support Linux. Same with CoD. Older competitive games run without issue. Newer ones done.

Minimum acceptable performance for me is 4k/120fps on medium/high settings. (I have a 3090)

You categorize those games as competetive? Interesting. But yes, publisher too lazy to implement eac for linux will always be a problem.

Also, fun fact, bungie was more than happy to make a destiny 2 port for stadia… which ran exclusively on linux.

Well yeah, they didn’t need anti cheat on stadia lol

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