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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


The icon thing can be worked around with something like heimdall. I host my own docker container of it and just set that as my startup page in my browser. Looks much nicer than a blank page and everything happens in my own network.

I’ve installed graphene on my phone a while ago (bought from a carrier in germany) and this app does not exist.

edit: nevermind, it’s there

Ubuntu will ask you if usage data can be collected and sent to canonical when you first log in after installation. You get to look at the exact data that would be sent before making a decision and if you say no, then they’ll comply with that and never ask you again.

use ollama to run dolphin-mixtral locally on linux

"The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) has introduced the FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023–an absolutely awful bill that ignores years of abuse and unconstitutional surveillance in order to renew a mass surveillance law with no real changes, reforms, or new oversight. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is set to expire on December 31, 2023, and there is currently a race to see what bill will renew Big Brother’s favorite surveillance law. Any reauthorizations must come with significant reforms in order to protect the privacy of people’s communications. To that end, the choice is clear - we urge all Members to vote NO on the Intelligence Committee’s bill, H.R.6611, the FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023."

You confuse TPMs with Microsoft’s proprietary pluton processor, which is now being forced into consumer grade CPUs from AMD and Intel.

There might have been some miscommunication between us. I fully support the fight for privacy and buy nothing that’s not truly under my control. I do not have a vacuum robot, I run Linux on all my computers, GrapheneOS on my phone, the only ‘smart’ thing about my car is its ability to detect when it’s dark so it can turn on my headlights, that sort of thing. But I don’t know you and your original comment didn’t make it clear to me whether you engaged in defeatist speech or were advocating for privacy.

I wanted this person to clarify their statement, how is asking for information a bad thing?

Why is Graphene listed as Google play incompatible? They have far and away the best implementation of google play services if the user chooses to install them.

‘This shit’ referring to the vacuum or your privacy?

Then there’s something wrong with your setup. At most, I’ve seen 20% fps loss through proton.