I just love this guy when he’s riled up. Makes me feel all warm and cozy 🤣

For the kind of work I have been doing I have not needed to hand over any psd files. Photoshop is(was) only a small step in my workflow and the main thing I get hired for is 3D modelling services. Regardless, I still work with NDA’d content and Adobe’s terms are invasive as hell.

meseek #2982

Ya no argument there. Adobe is way out of bounds. We have largely moved to Figma but that was like pulling teeth as every was using Ps and Ai when I joined. Ai for wireframes had me tossing at night not gonna lie!

I remember when figma was about to be bought out by adobe, thankfully the deal got terminated for anti monopology reasons

meseek #2982

Yeah thank the heavens the deal was squashed. It was a bold move even for Adobe.

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