
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I’ve had to cave and use some services (for work reasons) that I’d swore I would never use. No matter how much we value privacy and look for alternative software/services when possible - we still have to eat and pay bills.

If you are in the same boat and you must use services like that, then my advice would be to keep it strictly business. Keep your personal details and personal social connections to a minimum unless where it would be otherwise beneficial for work purposes.

For the kind of work I have been doing I have not needed to hand over any psd files. Photoshop is(was) only a small step in my workflow and the main thing I get hired for is 3D modelling services. Regardless, I still work with NDA’d content and Adobe’s terms are invasive as hell.

Just cancelled my Adobe sub. Even if I was comfortable with how they use my data (and I am most assuredly fucking not) I’m also uncomfortable with them helping themselves to the NDA’d projects I do for clients. I trialed Affinity Photo and it meets 98% of my needs and is on sale 50% off right now. Bite my ass, Adobe.

Welp, there goes my morning. Now I have to spend a few hours unfucking everything.

Never trusting this app ever again.

This is disabled if you turn off telemetry in the settings, which users should already be doing anyway. I don’t see this as any worse than what they already do.

A lot of lists for private alternative email services start and and with Proton, seemingly. Services like Posteo, Mailbox, Hushmail, Fastmail, etc are frequently overlooked. It’s a shame because many of these other services are great and Proton is one of the most expensive and not suitable for everyone. I’ve been with Posteo for years and I have nothing but praise for it.

As if the NSA ever needed legal permission to do whatever the hell they wanted anyway.

It also dismisses DuckDuckGo’s approach to privacy as one of its failures, claiming that the approach leads to “significant trade-offs to search quality,

This is a bold claim to make considering Google’s search is almost entirely useless now. They’ve let AI-generated SEO trash completely destroy their search results and have turned a blind eye to it.

Odd. I wonder what is going on here because when I search that exact same query I get accurate results.

I’ve had iffy search results before but never anything that bad.

Posteo. Quite happy with it and it fits my needs.

When dealing with Google - assume everything. Data is Google’s business and you are the product when you use their services.