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Hi, I wanna know what is the most secure and best messaging app/platform… Need an app that is crossplatform and has a very good numbers of features and security. (And it has to be FLOSS) I thought about XMPP clients, Signal, Session, IRC clients… Propose and explain me your choice

Email, probably. Kind of depends on your needs, and how willing other people are to accommodate them. The most secure messaging platform is email with a third party IMAP client using OpenPGP. That way the client and the server are run by different people, and the encryption is based on a verifiable and well known standard. But will other people use that to communicate with you? Probably not. So probably something like Signal would strike a good balance between privacy and ease of use.

Dark Arc

I strongly disagree, email is a train wreck for secure communication.

Proton has done a pretty good job of making an implementation that’s actually secure but PGP email has fundamental flaws like the subject line and recipient being clear text on the message, user error/key management complexity, and it’s also just a high-friction means of communication vs “texting” or “IRC”-like approaches.

They asked what the most secure one is, not the most practical. When I said other people wouldn’t communicate with you, I meant because it is very difficult to set up, so I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone. But unless your client and server come from different parties, you’re putting all your trust into one other party (like with Signal), so that’s inherently less secure.

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