European iPhone owners are being shown a new pop-up screen listing alternatives to the Safari browser. The developers of the browsers shown on that screen are torn about the user experience.

Um. I dunno what to tell you. I went through two android phones when I started the job. This was back when the screens were only really big. So maybe that was contributing more. But I couldn’t make it though half of the day before both android phones were dying. I can tell you as a person who exclusively used android phones since I had a smart phone (with one, maybe two exceptions I got as hand-me-downs), I’ve never felt any sort of “social pressure” to switch to an iPhone. This is an entirely new concept, because smart phones came out the year I graduated high school, pretty much. And I had never experienced it. Ever.

So are you sure this is a real thing? Not just one of those internet things that people swear they heard someone else say they knew someone who experienced it? Because I’ve been there for pretty much the whole thing. But maybe I aged out of that kind of stupid status shit and this only happens to kids in high school. Because I truly can’t imagine it happening anywhere else. Though I’ve never worked in an office setting, adults acting like clique-y it’s schoolers seem to flock to office spaces, so maybe that’s another reason why I’ve never had this happen to me.

Either way, don’t tell me why I got an iPhone. Who tf are you

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