European iPhone owners are being shown a new pop-up screen listing alternatives to the Safari browser. The developers of the browsers shown on that screen are torn about the user experience.

Apple is a honey trap. You cannot exit out of Apple ecosystem once you get into it. However, it is very easy to go from Android to Apple. There are plenty other problems with Apple known well here. But the biggest one folks like you will hate to admit is you want to appease other people socially with this fake currency called iPhone. It is shallow, and you willfully encourage it because you do not want to be “left behind”. How do I know this? Every single “job” person that scrambles money to get an iPhone does it for this reason, no exceptions. And that includes people in my family and friend circle.

No, I have no interest in inventing fake respect for people that want to appease and encourage consumerism. Battery life and longevity are not the reasons you got an iPhone for. I guarantee this. You are going to charge an iPhone before the next morning you head out of the house, same way as Android.

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