European police chiefs target E2EE in latest demand for 'lawful access' | TechCrunch
In the latest iteration of the neverending (and always head-scratching) crypto wars, Graeme Biggar, the director general of the UK's National Crime Agency In the latest iteration of the neverending crypto wars, the director general of the UK's National Crime Agency has targeted Instagram-owner Meta over its planned expansion of end-to-end encryption.
☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

I swear, I’m just gonna laugh at these clowns, honestly, and just PGP encrypt my messages that they can intercept in plain text. So fuck them. I don’t actually think they will win, but even if they did, it will only hurt law abiding people and will make no a difference to non-law abiding people.

Yeah I don’t get it. Maybe I’m missing something

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Working around laws that ban E2E encryption will ultimately be seen as subversive and the legal system will go after people doing this, what part of this is unclear?

It is just to break unjust laws. In the case of encryption you are protecting your self from an increasingly authoritarian government

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

And my point was that the increasingly authoritarian government will eventually go after people who are trying to protect themselves in this way.

Possibly linux

Of course they will why else would you break unjust laws.

We aren’t talking about something that directly harms another. We care talking about sending a private message and if that is against the law the laws should be openly broken.

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