European police chiefs target E2EE in latest demand for 'lawful access' | TechCrunch
In the latest iteration of the neverending (and always head-scratching) crypto wars, Graeme Biggar, the director general of the UK's National Crime Agency In the latest iteration of the neverending crypto wars, the director general of the UK's National Crime Agency has targeted Instagram-owner Meta over its planned expansion of end-to-end encryption.
Monkey With A Shell

And yet Europe gets held up as this bastion of liberty and personal rights…

Things like the GDPR are lovely and all, but then ask for the ability to have real-time access to private communications, pick a lane folks the rest of the world needs an example to live up to

What needs happen is that they make encryption popular by banning it

The problem with that line of thought though, while people generally expect/wish for private communication, few actually care to understand the mechanics of it. Nor should they have to, that’s what security engineers are for, to do all that archaic setup so people can just use it without having to check certificates and protocols and all that stuff.

I’d say that if we could just have a simple to use, no-click pgp style system things would be good and we no longer have to keep nagging people to set things up the ‘right’ way, but so much of the hassle comes in by people using 100 different communication platforms.

Of course though:

Unfortunately they are the example, there isn’t anything better.

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