So, this is probably naive of me, but so far I haven’t really been able to find the answer on the web.

Recently I subscribed to a personal info removal company called Incogni, only to find out that they sent a staggering 123 removal requests on my behalf. I never imagined there were that many companies in that business. So far in 20 days, 70 requests have been fulfilled, but 53 are still pending.

Which made me wonder… given my personal data seems to be sold, re-sold and re-re-sold without my express consent, or ability to opt out… if I knew I’ve informed my legit service providers, plus those I have legit obligations to (employer, state, etc.)… how easy would it be to obfuscate it on a regular basis, by simply providing a new, creative address, to entities I don’t get mail communication, or deliveries, from?

So, has anyone tried to trace the map by which a new address, cell phone number, etc. makes its way through the 123 or so data brokers? What are the ‘input nodes’ to that graph?


They checked over 160 brokers and my info was only on 71 of them, which they opted out of. There are probably more data broker sites who use the data on one of these so the rest of my info got scrubbed that way.

You said I’m not good with searching myself, how do you suggest I look for myself then?

This is kind of an odd line of reasoning to hide behind. One one hand you are willing to pay to have your data removed, on the other hand you don’t mind a service actively handing over data because its “already out there”

I’m just saying that worst case scenario, I will repeat to them information they could’ve easily found online already, so there’s not much damage they can do that hasn’t already been done.

It would be less of an issue if once your data is removed its permanent but there is nothing stopping brokers from re-adding you, and now your on the radar of new brokers.

Yes, some of these brokers might re-add, this is why I pay for the service, it will check again throughout the year, every 4 months iirc. If you were to do this manually, I don’t think you would have the time or patience to opt out of over 160 sites every 4 months.

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