Why I no longer use a VPN (most of the time) and nor should you
In this episode, we explore why I no longer use a VPN (most of the time) and nor should you.==============================SUGGESTED==========================...

Actually I use Freetube with sponsorblock on the desktop and Newpipe with sponsorblock on Android. So I mostly don’t see shitty sponsors anymore.

But my Formuler TV box - which runs Android - has some weird crashing problem with the default Newpipe player, so I have to use an external player (MX Player) which doesn’t have sponsorblock, sadly.

So whenever I want to watch Youtube videos on my TV, I have to eat some NordVPN shilling - at least a little bit, just time for me to grab the remote and skip it - and I’m too cheap to replace the TV box.

You could try Smart Tube which has built in adblock and sponsorblock and see if that works better on your android tv box

SmartTube works very well. The problem is, it requires a Youtube account to have subscriptions, playlists and the like. That’s a hard no for me.

Fair enough, completely understandable

Shout out for Smart Tube, the best YT app on smart boxes/android TVs, never had any issues

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