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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 20, 2023


To be frank I have used it since it started way back and it continues to have the best user experience among messengers. I myself don’t use it for any crucial information but as a messenger with it’s featureset it’s second to none. When a better alternative pops up which will have a better UI and such an extensive featureset I will probably switch over

Shout out for Smart Tube, the best YT app on smart boxes/android TVs, never had any issues

Now that you say it like that, why do purely singleplayer games need internet connectivity at all beside DRM and shovong DLCs down peoples throats

I’m (still) using the regular Keepass but that is indeed a nice feature, might consider switching to it for TOTP. Thank you!

So it’s the perfect sleeper PC that can be procured at work without anyone raising eyebrows because it’s not in-your-face gamer aesthetic

Man you just nudged me to it, will definitely try it out with my Legion together with PopOS as I’m fed up lately with Windows 11 lately, saving this post for later. I do very much like and prefer KDE, didn’t Mint have a KDE integrated release at some point or am I going senile? EDIT: definitely not senile, they had it as an option until 19, bummer

I blame people’s shorter attention spans for it, to a degree I’m also guilty of it. Can’t read a book nowadays before my focus shifts somewhere else.